What is content anyway, is it just about articles that you can fill up with keywords that have a particular monthly search volume or is it about something that provides some benefit to the reader who is actually searching for the keyword to find the solution for a problem. SEO has been exaggerated by experts who call themselves white hat internet marketers. They advise their huge following of hopeful internet millionaires to optimize their keywords, work on on-page SEO, build authority links from related authority niche websites etc. But what is the function of genuine content in this scenario. The search engines may respond to the SEO optimizations in a positive manner, the website owner may be able to make sales but does anyone care about the customer who is buying the products from the website.

Did the product work?

Did it solve the problem?

Is that any ones concern?

This is how typical content creation on the internet works: a webmaster living in some part of the world may do keyword research on a particular problem that a particular society, sex or a set of population is facing. He/she may do research on a bunch of keywords related to the problem, that are getting an ‘x’ amount of searches a month (These searches are made by people who desperately want their problems solved). He may outsource the task of content creation. The content here may be video, podcast or articles that would be custom created for the webmaster . The webmaster only has to pay a decent price for the content. He now has the exclusive right to the content and may use the content in promoting any product related to the niche. The product he is promoting may or may not be the best solution for the problem. But who cares, he is making a decent income from the sale of the product. In many cases it would be the most costly solution for the problem. In the case of Internet marketing you can find eBooks selling for $50 and about 75% of the income from sales of those eBooks is shared with the affiliate. Internet market is altogether a different story. It’s banking on the greed of people who want a quick fix for all their money problems by smart marketers. The content sold in these internet marketing books may be outdated or worthless and you can learn a ton of such information by doing an active search on the internet.

Content is King, BackLinking is Queen!

Content is King, Back Linking is Queen!


No one actually seems to care about the problem the ultimate customer is facing and that is the person who is funding the chain of action between advertisers and publisher, between website owners and affiliate marketers etc.

What Should Content Creation actually aim at?

Whatever quick fix a webmaster does to improve his traffic and sales the major search engines like Google are against it. They may roll a dozen updates like panda that deletes pages with thin and plagiarized content from its index and penguin update that devalues spam anchor text links coming from non authority and bad neighborhood websites. Why?

The search engines want to maintain its dominance in the search engine industry. What would you do if you have acne and conduct a search on Google – visits the first website on the search results and buy an eBook costing $50 saying wash your face with anti bacterial lotion. A normal visitor would be embarrassed on his loss of $50 and chances are that he would never use Google to find solutions to his problems. Everything we buy online is based on impulse and marketers use our emotional impulse against us to sell products online.

If you want to make genuine content that would benefit your customer then put serious research into the topic. Read magazines, look for news related to your niche and read research papers related to your niche. You can always find genuine and valuable content in this way. Magazines that make publications related to a particular niche like bodybuilding has put forth millions in researching a particular niche. You should study your targeted customer thoroughly by doing research on him – I read comments left by customers relating to a particular product in amazon. It  says a lot about the customer and the problem they are facing. Try to re-frame the content from the magazine into the words of an expert who believes in whatever he is saying. People love these kinds of people who put forth genuine thoughts and tell them what works. Even though the prime intention is making sales, make sales by providing something that is of the ultimate value to your customers. Trust me it works great and will make you more money in the long term and keep your customers coming back or sending you referrals. Although this type of content creation is difficult and time consuming if you are a publisher who wants to be an authority in their niche then this is the only content creation method you should use.

For more information on thought provoking and educational content creation for your website contact Repeat Business Solutions and find out how to get recognized for powerful content rather than number of back links.