If you are an owner or website manager, you are constantly bombarded with new information telling you what not to do with your website if you desire higher rankings in search engines.  Some of this information may be accurate and some of it fluff.  There are few things however that remain constant and should be adhered to when managing your website if you plan to get it ranked organically in search engines.

Do's and Dont's of website management.

Do’s and Dont’s of website management.


All Search Engines Are Not The Same

Surprised?  Don’t be.  Every web manager or website owner should understand that all search engines rank your website based on different algorithms.  The best way to rank high and drive the most traffic is to figure out what the top three search engines require.  Currently Google, Yahoo, and Bing seem to be the top three.  Making sure your website adheres to all three search engines rules ensures your site gets decent rankings on all three engines and in turn receives the most traffic.

Using Free Hosting

Any webmaster or owner who is serious about driving traffic to their websites through search marketing would never use free web hosting.  Search engines usually don’t find these free hosts very valuable and tend to eliminate them from their listings.

Using Pages or Content From Other Sites

Using duplicate or copied content post panda and penguin will most likely get your website de-indexed on Google for sure.  And since they are the biggest of the big three search engines it is safe to say you should produce unique content for your web pages in order to drive search traffic to your site.  Not only that but unique content is more appreciated by your readers than something they have seen on several other sites.

Relying on Keyword Stuffing or Using Wrong Keywords to Rank

If you still think that keyword stuffing or cramming in your keyword into your content to the point where the content doesn’t read well is still a great SEO technique then you have missed the boat my friend.  Keyword stuffing is a thing of the past.  Alternatively webmasters used to place wrong keywords into their meta tags to drive traffic to their sites.  Today any such practice gets your sites dropped in ranking and authority.

Not Paying Attention to Missing Page Elements

Many web managers are forgetting to check their web pages for missing or incomplete page elements such as missing links or images.  Make sure that all pages you want to rank for are complete and leave no reason for search engines to devalue or skip your page.  It’s tough enough to get them there and acknowledge your site, so don’t waste the opportunity when they arrive to evaluate your site by having missing elements.

Everyone managing a website should follow these five basic guidelines if they wish to create a long lasting presence on the web and gain the trust of search engines to the point that they rank your website in the top 3 results for your desired keywords.