With the emergence of the internet came the Dot Com boom. Every business wanted a slice of the gigantic pie. Many companies got in on lucrative mediums used for marketing thier businesses, such as website marketing, email marketing, and online classified advertising. Some had poor results and others made millions using this medium, esspecially those that got in early before the market got saturated. Although in this day and age long after the Dot Com boom has virtually dissolved, and left us with a vast playing field of virtual information that is to large for anyone to navigate in their daily lives, there are still businesses out there who swear by this medium of marketing. Why you might ask? Well the simple fact remains, the internet is the fastest way to share, find and distribute information today. If your business is not online then you are nowhere to be found. However marketing on the internet is not what it used to be. What with the old big banner ads we still see on many websites which has been so over used that it caused many people to just ignore those banner ads, which is what we call “banner blindness”.
Banner blindness is one of the big reasons why large advertising companies only use text advertising. The simple fact is that they get a better response for what they put out using simple word ads rather than those big bulky banners. And webmasters appreciate the neater cleaner format on their websites as well. With more and more devices becoming mobile, like smart phones and tablets people are moving towards using these devices for their everyday uses and communications. Shortcodes and SMS messaging have become the new language of communication on our planet. People want information and they want it fast and to the point!
Here is a startling fact: Mobile users out number PC users 4 to1. It is predicted that by 2014 that number will grow to 10 to 1. Withover 77% of the worlds population subscribed to mobile phones, it has become the medium of choice for electronic communication. SMS Marketing while not being anything new, is still way underused and has been reserved for the largest of enterprises and the likes of our society’s elite. Can anyone guess how President Obama racked up so many votes for his presidential campaign? You guesed it Mobile Marketing. His people used the most powerful tool available to engage his voters to take action, in this case voting for him. In the same fashion anyone with a business who wishes to stay in business and take advantage of this powerful marketing medium today will be doing business well into tomorrow.
SMS marketing seems to be the next big thing, and with so many businesses still oblivious to the fact that this is the most cost effective and powerful way to engage their customers and keep them comming back, it’s no wonder why so many businesses are feeling the pinch of the declining economy. Get your business ready, get your business set for the SMS BOOM!