When trying to communicate with a mobile user it’s probably best to understand their mind set before sending out your offers or messages especially if you are a business. Mobile devices have become more than just inanimate devices for people to use and throw away. For some people their whole lives are on their mobile phone. A mobile phone today can be someones best friend because it stays with them where ever they go. Attaching a mobile phone to your person has become as common a task as getting dressed in the morning. How many of us would literally be lost for the day if we forget our mobile phone at home. We rely so heavily on our mobile phones on a daily basis. The question is why?
Mobile phones today not only allow us to communicate freely and conveniently with each other through voice communication but also through text messaging, social media, and the internet. A mobile user who wants it all on the go is hooked on their mobile phone. They could be anywhere and take a call, send an instant message, like a Facebook page, browse the internet, get directions, play games, watch tv shows or movies, use apps and so on and so forth. The list of things you can do on a mobile phone today are endless and they are just getting started.
People are looking for convenience and usefulness when using their mobile phones. The convenience part is already taken care of by the device itself, but the usefulness of the data that is shared is another story. Although a mobile phone user loves the convenience of receiving push messages at an instant and being in the loop no matter where they are, it would be hard to keep up with all the messages if they were sent through like spam emails. That’s just way too much useless information. The best part about receiving SMS or text messages is you know who you are getting the message from. Messages are usually sent from people or organizations that you know and trust, and at some point you have had contact with. This makes it acceptable because you have voluntarily shared your mobile number with the other party to allow communication with you.
Many mobile users are now opting not to give out their email addresses and instead opting to give out their mobile numbers for contacting them. This is because they prefer to be in the know, in the moment, not when they get to check their email later in the day, week or month. Also the reliability factor for receiving mobile messages is much higher than email. If you send a message to someone on their mobile phone and on their email at the same time, you are almost guaranteed that they will read your message first on their mobile phone before they get to their email. The mobile user which is most people in the world today wants information quickly and conveniently, and prefers to get the scoop in a short message rather than a long drawn out story. Thus the emergence and success of Twitter, case and point.
Mobile users are already substantially huge across the globe and will grow at an even faster rate over the next year as more technology is brought forth into the market, and the number of new applications for mobile increases. Understanding the mind of a mobile user is essential for any businesses who wish to use the mobile platform to reach their customers.